
Hi everyone! I'm delighted to welcome you to my blog! I have not been active in a long time but recently I have made a promise to upload more stories and poetry this year (fingers crossed!).
Meanwhile enjoy the few poetry and stories I have put up and I hope this visit will inspire you to come again!

- Adebusola

Monday, April 4, 2011


Have you seen her?

She who shines like a million stars

Whose bosom is an altar where we all come to worship

She shares my fame

She bears my name

I wear her round my neck

I place her on my shelf for all to see

I call her mine and I am hers

She is me and I am her

Who is she? You say

She is freedom!

She tells me her dreams and shows me her fantasies

Indeed, she takes me on her wings to places I've never been.

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